If you discover something juicy, you can blackmail other Sims for a bribe, too! They’ll meet with other tenants at Social Events like a community potluck, in the garden or other common areas at their Residential Rental, and have ample opportunity to discover their neighbor’s secrets by eavesdropping, snooping, or even breaking. Sims in Residential Rentals will inevitably get tangled up in each other’s lives. Property owners should keep their Unit Ratings high because if they don’t, they could face consequences like a Tenant Revolt. If your Sim doesn’t want to manage the whole property, then perhaps the new Handyperson Career might be better suited to them.
Property owner Sims can be present property managers, living among their tenants, or they can live in a separate residence while generating income from several property investments. Each Residential Rental can be customized to your specifications. Give your Sims a basement suite to rent out, create a duplex to keep two families close, townhomes for multiple families, or even build apartments of up to 6 units (or more if you know the cheat). New Residential Rental lots give you the chance to get creative with multi-family dwellings. FREE SIMS 4 PACK - SIMS 4 FOR RENT FREE DOWNLOAD ALL DLC & PACKS 2023 New Lot Type